Your personal data may be processed while you visit our website, regardless of whether you are a regular or first-time visitor. However, we would like to assure you that the protection of your privacy will always be our priority and that we process personal data in compliance with effective laws and are mindful of their maximum security.

The following information is about which of your personal data we have, why we collect them and what we do with them.



We process your personal data as their controller. Our identification and contact details are as follows:
Controller: FAST ČR, a.s.
IN: 247 77 749
Registered office: U Sanitasu 1621, 251 01 Říčany
Phone: +420 323 204 111


We have a personal data protection officer for our customers, website visitors and other entities. If you have any question or comment or you wish to exercise any of your rights concerning the processing of your personal data, please use any of the contacts below:

Mgr. Adam Škarka

ID number: 01793691
Residence: Jezuitská 582/17, 602 00 Brno


We process your personal data (1) with your consent or (2) if necessary to meet our contractual or legal obligations or (3) for the purposes of our legitimate interests, in particular for the running of this website and our company. Detailed information about the scope and purposes of processing is provided below.
We process your personal data only in EU Member States and we do not sell or transfer them to any third parties, unless necessary. However, sometimes we need help with the processing since we are not able to do everything. In such a case, your personal data are processed by our longtime and trustworthy partners who are strictly bound by contractual and legal obligations concerning personal data protection and carefully selected and regularly screened by us.


Every year we prepare special offers and promotions concerning the Catler brand. If you decide to take advantage of some of them and to register on this website, we will process your personal data for the purposes of such an offer or promotion. You will always find concrete information about personal data processing in the information about the current promotion or offer.


We will be sending news about Catler products to your e-mail address based on our legitimate interests, provided that you register on our website and do not refuse it. You can also request such news without registration, but in such a case, we will need your consent.

If you provide your consent, we will then use web beacons to collect information about whether or not you opened our e-mail or visited one of our advertised products. We collect such information exclusively for the purposes of offering you only what actually interests you.
In the case that you change your opinion about receiving our e-mails later on, just click on the link on the bottom of every e-mail to deregister or deregister anytime on our website.


You can register on this website to receive our news. If you take advantage of this option, we will be sending commercial communications, in particular information about our sales, products and special offers to your e-mail address based on your consent.
In order to send you only such news that could actually interest you, we use web beacons that allow us to find out whether or not you opened our e-mail or visited one of our advertised products. We evaluate our campaigns exclusively for the purposes of offering you only what actually interests you.
You can revoke your consent anytime in the future. In such a case, just click on the link on the bottom of every e-mail to deregister or deregister anytime on our website.


You can ask any question, using the contact form on our website. If you do so, we will process your personal data in order to answer your question. In such a case, the contact form will save your e-mail address and question. We will then send you our answer to your e-mail. This processing is necessary in order to answer your questions.
We will keep your e-mail address and other data provided by you as long as necessary to answer your question. We will automatically delete them after our conversation is terminated.
You can also provide your consent to sending news to your e-mail, using the contact form. If you do so, the information provided in the SENDING NEWS section will apply. However, we will be of course happy to answer any of your questions even if you do not register for sending news.


Our website uses cookie files, which are small text files that are stored on your device and that allow us to recognize your device upon your next visit.
There are many types of cookie files that serve different purposes. In the case that a certain cookie file is not essential for operating our website, we will ask for your consent to storing it on your device or will go by how you set up the storing of cookie files in your browser.
Depending on who stores cookie files on your device and works with them, there are first-party cookies that are created directly by the given website, i.e. our website. These files are mostly used to ensure a correct functioning of the website. Third-party cookies are usually used for marketing purposes but they also allow to share the content of social networks or to insert videos.


Their storing is essential for a correct functioning of our website. They store, among other things, information necessary for securing user accounts, navigating on our website, providing our registered users with secured access to the private sections of our website, etc. 

Our website cannot properly work without these files; in other words, we could not provide you with our services. Therefore, the processing of essential cookies does not require your consent.
These cookie files do not collect any information about you that can be used for marketing purposes or any purposes other than those mentioned.
Even though we do not recommend it, you can prevent the storing of these cookies by leaving our website or changing the setting in your browser. All modern Internet browsers make it possible to change cookies settings e.g. you can accept all cookie files, you can reject third-party cookies or you can disallow the creation and storing of any cookie files. If you choose the last option, the functioning of websites you visit will be considerably limited.


These cookies allow you to modify our website to your needs. Thanks to these cookies, your next visits will be more pleasant and productive because we will already know whether or not you gave us your consent to storing cookie files, how you set up the search on our website, how you set up your account etc.
Our website should work even without these cookies; therefore, we need your consent to storing them. You can revoke your consent anytime. If you do not give us your consent, we will be unable to provide all functions that our website could otherwise provide.
Just like essential cookie files, preferential cookies do not obtain any information that could be used for marketing purposes. 


These cookies collect information, in anonymized form without the possibility to identify you in any way, about the number of visitors to our website and help us to understand how the visitors move around our website. We use such information to adjust our website to your needs as much as possible.
To perform our analyses, we use Google Analytics from Google that, however, does not have access to your data in their non-anonymized form.
We use analytical cookies only with your consent provided upon your first visit, which you can revoke anytime in the future.
Name Owner Purpose Deposition time  
_ga FAST ČR, a.s. It will assign a unique ID to your device that we will use to generate statistical data about the number of visitors to our website, etc. 2 years  
_gid FAST ČR, a.s. It will assign a unique ID to your device that we will use to generate statistical data about how you use our website. 2 years  
_dc_gtm_UA-109683795-3 FAST ČR, a.s. It will assign a unique ID to your device that we will use to generate statistical data about how you use our website.
during the session


They collect information about which of our products you liked and allow us or our advertising partners to display on this website or other websites ads that could be more relevant for you. Thanks to these cookies, we can also limit the number of displays of our ads in your device and to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.
We store advertising cookie files only with your consent provided upon your first visit of our website, which you can revoke anytime in the future.
Our advertising is done in cooperation with Fragile media s.r.o. ( and DIGNITY, s.r.o. ( However, these companies cannot not identify you in any way since they have no access to your personal data in their non-anonymized form.
It is no problem if you do not provide your consent. But it will not mean, unfortunately, that you will get less advertising, it will mean that the advertising will not probably concern products that you might be interested in.


First of all, you have the right to request information about the categories of processed personal data, the purpose, time and nature of processing and the recipients of personal data. You will find necessary basic information above, but we will be happy to answer any of your additional questions.
You have the right to ask for a copy of processed personal data. If you decide to exercise this right, we will provide you with a copy free of charge within 30 days.
In the case that any of your personal data that we process changes, you have the right to request rectification of such data. In such a case, please let us know and we will do everything we can to rectify or complete your personal data.
You have the right to have your personal data erased or to limit their processing, provided that the conditions stipulated in applicable legal regulations are met.
In the case that the security of your personal data is compromised in spite of our security measures and such a fact may put at high risk your rights and freedoms, you will be immediately informed about it and we will do everything we can to prevent any negative consequences.
You can always object to the processing of your personal data. If your objection concerns any type of direct marketing, we will immediately stop processing your personal data for these purposes. The easiest way to object is to use the link on the bottom of every e-mail to deregister from direct marketing. You can also file a complaint with the supervising authority.